By Singerz
You can’t dispute it, I am a snack expert. I may not be a great student or “pass” my classes. I might not be socially “normal.” But when it comes to snacks, I know my s***. And when I say s***, I mean shit.
And now, the 2005 SNACKS awards:
Best overall snack: No brainer. Twizzler’s Cherry Nibs. Not the ridged kind (OBVIOUSLY). Scrumptious, refreshing, and delicious snack. I defy you to name a better snack. Cherry, soft, licorice. My mouth is watering typing this.
Best cereal (
has to be sugar cereal, no one in their right mind would have a non-sugar cereal as there favorite cereal. If you do, you’re too grown up and you’re gross): Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Perfect mix of cinnamon, toast, and crunch. Can eat it any time. Only problem: milk leftovers a little nasty. The milk leftovers award goes to Coca Puffs but the Toast Crunch hangs on to the overall, despite this negative milk trait.
Best Soda: Tough category since I recently made an extremely embarrassing switch to diet soda, for health reasons that only me and my doctor (Dr. Pepper) know. Not withstanding this mortifying lifestyle change to diet, the best overall soda is a two-way tie between Dr. Brown’s Cream soda and good ole Cherry Coke. I know many of you will argue for Dr. Browns Black Cherry, but I like to save cough medicine for when I have a cold (oooooh I busted you, take THAT black cherry).
Best snack not in existence anymore: Cherry and Bubb. Mike and Ike made a grave error by taking this off of the shelves. Support: You stick your hand in. You get a cherry? AMAZING. You get a Bubb? GLORIOUS. You can’t lose. It’s like a grab-bag Hanukah party except there’s no crappy picture frame gift- every present is amazing.
Worst snack (not including fake snacks, like carrot sticks or celery with peanut butter, kids who grew up with those “snacks” are traumatized): Black jelly beans. An embarrassment to an otherwise unbelievable snack, which is why they are so bad. Should be sold in their own separate bag of just black jelly beans for the weirdos who like them. I’m not a proponent of segregation, but this exception must be made. The injustice shall not stand. (What the hell am I talking about you ask? I’m just not sure.)
And finally, the
weirdest unknown snack: Fried farmer’s cheese. I get my share of mockery about this one, but buttering up a pan and frying farmers cheese is one of the most delicious things G-d put on this earth. Try it. All of this is a matter of taste and opinion anyway (no its not, I’m correct about all of it).
Oh, and if you disagree about any of the above, please post, citing sources.